Welcome To Courses
Notification for RPSC APO Exam 2024 is announced with 180 vacancy. Hurry up!!! Start your preparation with us.
Fee Amount: Rs. 29,999/- Only Offline / Online both available.
Batch Starting From: 01/01/2024
Crash Course on Answer Writing for DJS(Mains) is launched.
Fee Amount: Rs. 23,999/- Only Offline / Online both available.
Batch Starting From: 01/04/2024 Upto 31/04/2024
Fee Amount: Rs. 999/- Only Offline / Online both available.
All the topics like Criminal Law, Constitution, Evidence, ADR, Family law, Tort, SRA, NIA, Property law, etc, will be covered thoroughly.
Judgement Writing Course
Fee Amount: Rs. 9,999/- Only Offline / Online both available.
Batch Starting From: 01/02/2023 – 31/05/2023.
All the topics like: Plaint Writing, WS Writing, Drafting of Pleadings, Settlement of Issues Framing of charges, Judgement Writing in Civil & Criminal cases, Translation from Hindi to English(vice versa) Will be covered thoroughly.
Judiciary Mains SPL Crash Course
Both Online/OfflineTest Series Mains
(Monday to Friday)Judgment / Answer Writing by Retired Judge
(1) Preliminary Exams
(2) Mains Exams
Archana's Classes for Judiciary Excellence in Collobration with Amit IAS
Welcome To Courses
Archana's Classes for Judiciary
The coaching to the students who wish to get an entry into course of law would be customized according to the stream during their education. The students would not face any difficulty in understanding the contents of the law as it would be easy to understand and would be bilingual in English as well as in Hindi. The courses for judiciary would cover Delhi, Haryana, Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh & Rajasthan initially, and other states will be added in a phased manner. There will be a weekly worksheet to judge their capability and growth.Advance Orientation Course for Lawyers
It is experienced that there is a big gap between the degree and practice at Law Courts . This platform shall provide an opportunity to the lawyers to get practical court training and knowledge about the practice law to the lawyers so that they can start their practice with confidence at an early stage of getting their Licence from Bar and they can practice independently or by having a ‘ startup ’ of the team of lawyers.Archana’s Classes for New Entrants in Law Field
The coaching to the students who wish to get an entry into Law Colleges would be customized according to the stream attended by the students in their school education . The students would not face any difficulty in understanding the contents of the law as it would be easy to understand and would be bilingual in English as well as in Hindi. There will be a weekly worksheet to judge their capability and growth.Judiciary Mains SPL Crash Course
(Both Online/Offline)Test Series
(Monday to Friday)Judgment / Answer Writing by Retired Judge
(1) Preliminary Exams
(2) Mains Exams
Remedial Coaching for Scoring Good Marks in LLB Courses
It is observed that some of the students find difficulty in understanding the law subjects in their law courses due to language problem or some other technical reasons or other problems and are not able to score good marks in their examination, this Forum shall provide them the remedial coaching to score good marks.The Foundation Course Of General Studies
Archana's Classes for Judiciary Excellence in Collobration with Amit IAS
Why Choose ACfJE?
Founder's Speak
Dr. Archana Sinha
Since last 4 decades, during my legal studies and my tenure as a Judge in Judicial System, I have experienced that there is a big gap between the degree of law and the practice of law in courts.
A student of law, howsoever intelligent feels awkward when he enters into the courts of law, whether as a practicing Advocate or as a Judge on the chair. It was felt that there should be some forum that can fill up such gap to make a student of law, a good lawyer at Bar and a good Judge at Bench.
We want to provide a forum of legal studies with the mission to contribute the Judicial & Legal Field by providing the Bouquet of knowledge to the aspirants who want to enter into this field and related fields for pursuing Judicial excellence in them.
This forum shall be established with a vision to insert excellence in the persons who would have their aim and target to enter into judicial/legal field by enhancing their potentiality and capabilities and aptitude to suit this field in excellent manner.
We have taken oath to serve the judicial system until our last breath to provide excellent persons with compassion to serve the legal system with commitment and piousness and will provide a process through which the access to entry would be available for all.
इस संस्था के द्वारा ये अनुभव किया गया है कि कानून की जटिल धाराओं से कानून की व्याख्या जटिल बन गई है जबकि कानून एक सामान्य व साधारण समझ का विषय है जिसे सभी बहुत सहजता से समझ सकते हैं। ये संस्था कानून के लगभग सभी विषयों को ऐसी आसान भाषा शैली में प्रस्तुत करेगी कि न केवल कानून से जुड़े सभी व्यक्तियों को बिना किसी जटिलता के समझ आ जाए बल्कि ये जनसाधारण भी इसे आसानी से समझ सकेंगे।
ऐसा भी अनुभव किया गया है कि कानून व न्याय व्यवस्था का क्षेत्र अक्सर उच्च वर्गीय व अतिशिक्षित घरानों से ज़्यादा प्रभावित है और अन्य वर्गों के बहुतायत व्यक्ति कभी वित्तीय समस्याओं की वजह से तो कभी तकनीकी कारणों से इस परिधि से बाहर चले जाते हैं। ये संस्था सभी वर्गों के लिए इस कानून व न्याय जगत में प्रवेश पाने के आसान रास्तों को इज़ाद करेगी ताकि बहुतायत में सभी वर्ग के इच्छुक व्यक्ति जो कानून व न्याय व्यवस्था में भाग लेना चाहते हैं, इस व्यवस्था का हिस्सा बन सकें।
ये संस्था मेधावी छात्रों के लिए एक मेधावी छात्रवृत्ति परीक्षा का आयोजन भी करेगी जिसके द्वारा छात्रों का उतना शुल्क माफ किया जाएगा जितने अंक प्रतिशत वह मेधावी छात्र इस परीक्षा में प्राप्त करेगा ताकि उसके लिए इस व्यवस्था में प्रवेश पाने का आसान रास्ता बन सके और कानून-न्याय व्यवस्था को मेधावी छात्रों की प्रतिभा का लाभ मिल सके। इससे ये संस्था सही मायने में इस कानून-न्याय व्यवस्था की सेवा कर सकेगी और इसे लोकतान्त्रिक स्वरूप दिया जा सकेगा। साथ ही उस वर्ग के व्यक्तियों को अवसर प्रदान किया जा सकेगा जो वित्तीय व तकनीकी कारणों की वजह से इसमें प्रवेश नहीं कर पाते हैं।
ये संस्था समाज व कानून-व्यवस्था में अपना सहयोग प्रदान करेगी और साथ ही सभी वर्गों के व्यक्तियों को उनकी आशाएँ व सपने पूर्ण करने का अवसर मिलेगा।
इस संस्था के अंतर्गत “ASK Archana' (किसी कानूनी समस्या में हो तो अर्चना से पूछो) नाम से एक एप भी शुरु करने जा रही है जिसके द्वारा ये संस्था जनसाधारण को कानून व न्याय- व्यवस्था के निकट ला सकेगी और जनसाधारण को उनकी कानूनी समस्याओं का शीघ्र व आसान समाधान मिल जाएगा और इस तरह से कानूनी ज्ञान सिर्फ तकनीकी विषय नहीं रह जाएगा बल्कि वैज्ञानिक व कला का विषय माना जा सकेगा।
This Forum is conceived to strengthen body, mind and soul of the new aspirants who aspire to join the legal and the judicial field.
The primary aim of this Forum is to build a strong India with people of correct legal acumen and knowledge.
The Forum is an attempt to discover new India of decision makers based on merits & to create a system of legal education & also determined to correct the social, political and economic system in India through this movement of legal education, in short, development through conscientization based on needs, rights & merit, in the pursuits of objects of justice to all.
This Forum shall make the access of all to the judicial system whether, they ‘have or have not’, to take the country as a lead country in the world, in respect of man power, human resources, including natural resources through intellectualism.
It was experienced throughout my life that the judicial field is being generally governed by a class of feudalistic mind set of the society keeping the exclusion of the majority of the people who otherwise have more intellect and breathless zeal of working round the clock, so that through their merits, ‘the voice’ of the majority of people of India can be a part of decisions to be made in judicial system in a holistic democratic way which is an essential pillar of the democratic principles in India.
This Forum shall provide a platform from where even the majority people who are not from the feudalistic mind set would have access to enter into the judicial system at the level of constitutional institutions to impart administrative justice and to profess the legal field in excellent manner.
The administration of judicial system is one of the essential of democratic values in India which appears to be based on the hierarchy of the different classes of society on the basis of merits, rights and needs with upright thought to strengthen the values of the society and the democratic principles of the State.
There are three platforms at education level: land, aerial and satellite.
In short, they are formed in the knowledge of trinity of Indian Jurisprudence.
Our Forum shall provide a place where the aspirants who want to enter in judicial field shall have an opportunity to achieve the legal education of all the three platforms.
व उसमें अदालती ल कार्यकुशलता ब समुचित व्यवहारिक कानूनी ब बौद्धिक ज्ञान का वर्धन करना है
ताकि उनके बौद्धिक कौशल से एक मज़बूत राष्ट्र का निर्माण हो सके।
ये संस्था एक ऐसे नवीन भारत का निर्माण करने का प्रयास कर रही है जिसमें न्याय-व्यवस्था में निर्णय प्रतिभा के आधार पर हों और विकास वैचारिक व विवेकशील व्यक्तियों के द्वारा अधिकार, ज़रूरत व प्रतिभा के आधार पर सभी को न्याय दिलाने की दिशा में हो सके।
इस संस्था का वास्तविक प्रयोजन ये है कि व्यवहारिक कानूनी शिक्षा के द्वारा एक ऐसी व्यवस्था बनाई जा सके जिसमें समाज के सभी वर्गों की भागीदारी हो और सामंतवादी मानसिकता को छोड़कर सामूहिक रूप से, लोकतान्त्रिक तरीके से, बहुमत के आधार पर सभी वर्ग निर्णय व्यवस्था में अपना सहयोग दे पाएँ और सही मायने में लोकतान्त्रिक नियमों की स्थापना हो सके।
ये संस्था एक व्यहारिक शिक्षा का शुभारंभ करेगी जिसमें प्रतिभाशाली व्यक्ति बिना किसी वित्तीय परेशानी व विरासती सहायता के आगे बढ़कर अपना स्थान बना सकें व इस न्याय-व्यवस्था में अपने कौशल के आधार पर सहयोग दे सकें ताकि वैचारिक व बौद्धिक क्षमता को व्यवस्था का आधार बनाया जा सके और इस न्याय-व्यवस्था का सभी को बराबर लाभ मिल सके।
ये संस्था शिक्षा के त्रिस्तरीय कानूनी ज्ञान यानी औपचारिक, निरौपचारिक और अनौपचारिक स्तर पर शिक्षा प्रदान करेगी ताकि सभी को कानून का सामूहिक व समूचा व्यवहारिक ज्ञान बिना किसी अवरोध के प्राप्त हो सके।
Raj Kapoor
Former Member of Delhi Higher Judicial Services, Delhi
Dr. Archana Sinha
Since last 4 decades, during my legal studies and my tenure as a Judge in Judicial System, I have experienced that there is a big gap between the degree of law and the practice of law in courts.
A student of law, howsoever intelligent feels awkward when he enters into the courts of law, whether as a practicing Advocate or as a Judge on the chair. It was felt that there should be some forum that can fill up such gap to make a student of law, a good lawyer at Bar and a good Judge at Bench.
We want to provide a forum of legal studies with the mission to contribute the Judicial & Legal Field by providing the Bouquet of knowledge to the aspirants who want to enter into this field and related fields for pursuing Judicial excellence in them.
This forum shall be established with a vision to insert excellence in the persons who would have their aim and target to enter into judicial/legal field by enhancing their potentiality and capabilities and aptitude to suit this field in excellent manner.
We have taken oath to serve the judicial system until our last breath to provide excellent persons with compassion to serve the legal system with commitment and piousness and will provide a process through which the access to entry would be available for all.
2. इस संस्था के द्वारा ये अनुभव किया गया है कि कानून की जटिल धाराओं से कानून की व्याख्या जटिल बन गई है जबकि कानून एक सामान्य व साधारण समझ का विषय है जिसे सभी बहुत सहजता से समझ सकते हैं। ये संस्था कानून के लगभग सभी विषयों को ऐसी आसान भाषा शैली में प्रस्तुत करेगी कि न केवल कानून से जुड़े सभी व्यक्तियों को बिना किसी जटिलता के समझ आ जाए बल्कि ये जनसाधारण भी इसे आसानी से समझ सकेंगे।
3. ऐसा भी अनुभव किया गया है कि कानून व न्याय व्यवस्था का क्षेत्र अक्सर उच्च वर्गीय व अतिशिक्षित घरानों से ज़्यादा प्रभावित है और अन्य वर्गों के बहुतायत व्यक्ति कभी वित्तीय समस्याओं की वजह से तो कभी तकनीकी कारणों से इस परिधि से बाहर चले जाते हैं। ये संस्था सभी वर्गों के लिए इस कानून व न्याय जगत में प्रवेश पाने के आसान रास्तों को इज़ाद करेगी ताकि बहुतायत में सभी वर्ग के इच्छुक व्यक्ति जो कानून व न्याय व्यवस्था में भाग लेना चाहते हैं, इस व्यवस्था का हिस्सा बन सकें।
4.ये संस्था मेधावी छात्रों के लिए एक मेधावी छात्रवृत्ति परीक्षा का आयोजन भी करेगी जिसके द्वारा छात्रों का उतना शुल्क माफ किया जाएगा जितने अंक प्रतिशत वह मेधावी छात्र इस परीक्षा में प्राप्त करेगा ताकि उसके लिए इस व्यवस्था में प्रवेश पाने का आसान रास्ता बन सके और कानून-न्याय व्यवस्था को मेधावी छात्रों की प्रतिभा का लाभ मिल सके। इससे ये संस्था सही मायने में इस कानून-न्याय व्यवस्था की सेवा कर सकेगी और इसे लोकतान्त्रिक स्वरूप दिया जा सकेगा। साथ ही उस वर्ग के व्यक्तियों को अवसर प्रदान किया जा सकेगा जो वित्तीय व तकनीकी कारणों की वजह से इसमें प्रवेश नहीं कर पाते हैं।
5. ये संस्था समाज व कानून-व्यवस्था में अपना सहयोग प्रदान करेगी और साथ ही सभी वर्गों के व्यक्तियों को उनकी आशाएँ व सपने पूर्ण करने का अवसर मिलेगा।
इस संस्था के अंतर्गत “ASK Archana' (किसी कानूनी समस्या में हो तो अर्चना से पूछो) नाम से एक एप भी शुरु करने जा रही है जिसके द्वारा ये संस्था जनसाधारण को कानून व न्याय- व्यवस्था के निकट ला सकेगी और जनसाधारण को उनकी कानूनी समस्याओं का शीघ्र व आसान समाधान मिल जाएगा और इस तरह से कानूनी ज्ञान सिर्फ तकनीकी विषय नहीं रह जाएगा बल्कि वैज्ञानिक व कला का विषय माना जा सकेगा।
Raj Kapoor
Former Member of Delhi Higher Judicial Services, Delhi
This Forum is conceived to strengthen body, mind and soul of the new aspirants who aspire to join the legal and the judicial field.
The primary aim of this Forum is to build a strong India with people of correct legal acumen and knowledge.
The Forum is an attempt to discover new India of decision makers based on merits & to create a system of legal education & also determined to correct the social, political and economic system in India through this movement of legal education, in short, development through conscientization based on needs, rights & merit, in the pursuits of objects of justice to all.
This Forum shall make the access of all to the judicial system whether, they ‘have or have not’, to take the country as a lead country in the world, in respect of man power, human resources, including natural resources through intellectualism.
It was experienced throughout my life that the judicial field is being generally governed by a class of feudalistic mind set of the society keeping the exclusion of the majority of the people who otherwise have more intellect and breathless zeal of working round the clock, so that through their merits, ‘the voice’ of the majority of people of India can be a part of decisions to be made in judicial system in a holistic democratic way which is an essential pillar of the democratic principles in India.
This Forum shall provide a platform from where even the majority people who are not from the feudalistic mind set would have access to enter into the judicial system at the level of constitutional institutions to impart administrative justice and to profess the legal field in excellent manner.
The administration of judicial system is one of the essential of democratic values in India which appears to be based on the hierarchy of the different classes of society on the basis of merits, rights and needs with upright thought to strengthen the values of the society and the democratic principles of the State.
There are three platforms at education level: land, aerial and satellite.
In short, they are formed in the knowledge of trinity of Indian Jurisprudence.
Our Forum shall provide a place where the aspirants who want to enter in judicial field shall have an opportunity to achieve the legal education of all the three platforms.
व उसमें अदालती ल कार्यकुशलता ब समुचित व्यवहारिक कानूनी ब बौद्धिक ज्ञान का वर्धन करना है
ताकि उनके बौद्धिक कौशल से एक मज़बूत राष्ट्र का निर्माण हो सके।
ये संस्था एक ऐसे नवीन भारत का निर्माण करने का प्रयास कर रही है जिसमें न्याय-व्यवस्था में निर्णय प्रतिभा के आधार पर हों और विकास वैचारिक व विवेकशील व्यक्तियों के द्वारा अधिकार, ज़रूरत व प्रतिभा के आधार पर सभी को न्याय दिलाने की दिशा में हो सके।
इस संस्था का वास्तविक प्रयोजन ये है कि व्यवहारिक कानूनी शिक्षा के द्वारा एक ऐसी व्यवस्था बनाई जा सके जिसमें समाज के सभी वर्गों की भागीदारी हो और सामंतवादी मानसिकता को छोड़कर सामूहिक रूप से, लोकतान्त्रिक तरीके से, बहुमत के आधार पर सभी वर्ग निर्णय व्यवस्था में अपना सहयोग दे पाएँ और सही मायने में लोकतान्त्रिक नियमों की स्थापना हो सके।
ये संस्था एक व्यहारिक शिक्षा का शुभारंभ करेगी जिसमें प्रतिभाशाली व्यक्ति बिना किसी वित्तीय परेशानी व विरासती सहायता के आगे बढ़कर अपना स्थान बना सकें व इस न्याय-व्यवस्था में अपने कौशल के आधार पर सहयोग दे सकें ताकि वैचारिक व बौद्धिक क्षमता को व्यवस्था का आधार बनाया जा सके और इस न्याय-व्यवस्था का सभी को बराबर लाभ मिल सके।
ये संस्था शिक्षा के त्रिस्तरीय कानूनी ज्ञान यानी औपचारिक, निरौपचारिक और अनौपचारिक स्तर पर शिक्षा प्रदान करेगी ताकि सभी को कानून का सामूहिक व समूचा व्यवहारिक ज्ञान बिना किसी अवरोध के प्राप्त हो सके।
Dr. Archana Sinha, was working with me as the first Registrar of the Principal Bench, National Green Tribunal (NGT), Delhi.
I have seen her working with committment and passion. I had observed a very good administrator in her.
It was noted that she was a good strategist and a good planner, during the establishment of Zonal Bench of NGT all over India.
She was a good humble officer having a humble and courteous attitude in discharge of her duties. She, because of her hard work and capabilities, was able to achieve the goals.
I wish her good luck for her new projects namely ACfJE & ACLME. She would be able to guide well the aspirants to the diverse fields of administration of justice backed by her experience, knowledge, and intelligence in imparting judicial excellence to newcomers who wish to join the Legal/Judicial System to advance the administration of justice by her experience, knowledge, and intelligence.
Dr. Archana Sinha was a trainee judge, during 1992-1993 when I was assigned the pious work of imparting training to the Batch of 86 Delhi Judicial Officers appointed in 1992.
During the period of 6 months, I had noted a ‘spark’ in ‘Archana’, who at that time was a slim, young, and smiling lady but a very serious officer. She used to take every ‘task’ with commitment and give her 100% to that ‘task’.
I relish remembering that as expected, the team led by ‘Archana’ won the first cash prize of Rs. 1000/- for the paper on the subject of ‘Dowry Deaths’ with the caption ‘Brides are not for burning…’.
She is hardworking and sincere in her efforts and intelligent to think ‘out of the box’ for any problem assigned to her. She had the hardcore potential of doing things in the perfect manner. Her capabilities to accomplish any task was commendable. She was one of the finest of the batch of 86 officers to whom I imparted training.
Her contribution to the judicial system is commendable. It was noted and experienced that she was a woman with a ‘mind without fear’ and dared to question injustice at every level. She was a fighter against ‘wrong’ and ‘won’ every battle in her life.
I wish her the best for her new projects of ACfJE through such forum, she wants to contribute judicial system by sharing her knowledge, experience, and intelligence, to be inserted into the new entrants who aspire to enter into the area of Law fields and who wish to enter in Judicial system for imparting justice. Her other project ACLME will give a new arena to the subjects of law as she aims to make law easy to understand by all.
Through her projects, she would serve the legal judicial system in a better way and provide a platform for all to have access to law & justice.
God bless her for her new inning of life.
pioneer of the judicial training to the Judicial Officers in Delhi in 1992
Dr. Archana Sinha, was working with me as the first Registrar of the Principal Bench, National Green Tribunal (NGT), Delhi.
I have seen her working with committment and passion. I had observed a very good administrator in her.
It was noted that she was a good strategist and a good planner, during the establishment of Zonal Bench of NGT all over India.
She was a good humble officer having a humble and courteous attitude in discharge of her duties. She, because of her hard work and capabilities, was able to achieve the goals.
I wish her good luck for her new projects namely ACfJE & ACLME. She would be able to guide well the aspirants to the diverse fields of administration of justice backed by her experience, knowledge, and intelligence in imparting judicial excellence to newcomers who wish to join the Legal/Judicial System to advance the administration of justice by her experience, knowledge, and intelligence.
Dr. Archana Sinha was a trainee judge, during 1992-1993 when I was assigned the pious work of imparting training to the Batch of 86 Delhi Judicial Officers appointed in 1992.
During the period of 6 months, I had noted a ‘spark’ in ‘Archana’, who at that time was a slim, young, and smiling lady but a very serious officer. She used to take every ‘task’ with commitment and give her 100% to that ‘task’.
I relish remembering that as expected, the team led by ‘Archana’ won the first cash prize of Rs. 1000/- for the paper on the subject of ‘Dowry Deaths’ with the caption ‘Brides are not for burning…’.
She is hardworking and sincere in her efforts and intelligent to think ‘out of the box’ for any problem assigned to her. She had the hardcore potential of doing things in the perfect manner. Her capabilities to accomplish any task was commendable. She was one of the finest of the batch of 86 officers to whom I imparted training.
Her contribution to the judicial system is commendable. It was noted and experienced that she was a woman with a ‘mind without fear’ and dared to question injustice at every level. She was a fighter against ‘wrong’ and ‘won’ every battle in her life.
I wish her the best for her new projects of ACfJE through such forum, she wants to contribute judicial system by sharing her knowledge, experience, and intelligence, to be inserted into the new entrants who aspire to enter into the area of Law fields and who wish to enter in Judicial system for imparting justice. Her other project ACLME will give a new arena to the subjects of law as she aims to make law easy to understand by all.
Through her projects, she would serve the legal judicial system in a better way and provide a platform for all to have access to law & justice.
God bless her for her new inning of life.
Dr. Archana Sinha, was an Additional District & Sessions Judge when she joined the MBA Pragram sf the. university in 2008-10 batch. The program was meant for working professionals from vanovs domains of knowledge.
During the course of pursuance of the program, she exhibited the characteristics of an intelligent. inquisitive, innovative mindset. She has been a sincere. dedicated and committed student despite her professional commitments and pressure. She displayed good critical thinking skills and excelled in her academic performance securing CPI of 89.25%.
Her commitrnent and passion for accomplishing all assigned tasks is commendable and dîsplayed her
high level of team spirit
I understand that Dr Archana is undedaking a new educationat pnoject of guidance to aspiring and practicing advocates ACJE & ACLME with ask Archana app. I wish good luck to her for the noble educational project and contribute to the judïcial system through her vast knowledge and experience.
Sh. A. K. Saini
Dr. Archana Sinha, was an Additional District & Sessions Judge when she joined the MBA Pragram sf the. university in 2008-10 batch. The program was meant for working professionals from vanovs domains of knowledge.
During the course of pursuance of the program, she exhibited the characteristics of an intelligent. inquisitive, innovative mindset. She has been a sincere. dedicated and committed student despite her professional commitments and pressure. She displayed good critical thinking skills and excelled in her academic performance securing CPI of 89.25%.
Her commitrnent and passion for accomplishing all assigned tasks is commendable and dîsplayed her
high level of team spirit
I understand that Dr Archana is undedaking a new educationat pnoject of guidance to aspiring and practicing advocates ACJE & ACLME with ask Archana app. I wish good luck to her for the noble educational project and contribute to the judïcial system through her vast knowledge and experience.
Sh. A. K. Saini